Wednesday 7 May 2014

Heiress P.I by Amanda Mahan Blog Tour

Today I am thrilled to be part of the Blog Tour for Heiress P.I by Amanda Mahan with a fab interview.


Meet Lucy Hansen. She’s the richest teenager in the world – and possibly the shyest. She doesn’t flash her business to the paparazzi as she’s getting out of limos or send selfies while smoking salvia. No, Lucy hides behind her frizzy bangs, environmental causes and organic hemp-blend sweats. Her one true friend (and secret crush) Holden is the poorest kid in Beverly Hills – and probably the scrappiest. He interns for a famous private investigator, and when he asks Lucy to help him crack a case, her life turns from tame to tabloid, from glum to glam, from private to private eye. And when the trail leads directly to her hotel magnate father, it’s up to Lucy to solve the case by infiltrating Hollywood’s most elite and unwelcoming club: Celebutantes. Teens who are famous for, well… being famous. 

Along the way, “LuHan” endures wardrobe malfunctions, fake romances, compromising videos-turned-YouTube hits, unflattering mug shots and – worst of all – a makeover. Now Lucy has to save her father, dodge the paparazzi, and keep her IRL ID on the DL – all while maybe, almost, possibly having her first real kiss. 

If you’ve ever read the tabloids and wondered, “What was she thinking?” then HEIRESS, P.I. offers one possible answer.

Interview with Amanda Mahan

1. Hi Amanda and thank you for stopping by my blog. Just for the benefit of those who have not had a chance to read Heiress, P.I, could you please give us a brief synopsis.

Lucy Hansen is the richest (and possibly shyest) teenager in the world. When her best friend (and crush) Holden asks for her help cracking a case for a famous private investigator, Lucy's life goes from tame to tabloid. She gets made over and goes undercover to infiltrate Hollywood's most elite club: celebutantes.

2. What made you decide to write a Young Adult novel? 

I wrote a YA novel because I love how accessible emotions are in teenagers. I like adult fiction too, but a lot of times the tension is created by the characters' inability to feel or express their passion. With young adults, everything is felt deeply. It's more of a roller coaster.

3. Do you also like to read Young Adult novels? 

Yes, I have very eclectic tastes in books. I love everything from new contemporary to dystopian to historical. I could really read almost anything. Twilight was my gateway drug to YA, then Hunger Games and now I read them all!

4. We know from this that Lucy is shy, were you rule follower or a rule breaker at school? 

I was both. I studied hard and got good grades -- which was the perfect cover for my rule breaking! As long as you bring home the As, your parents don't look too hard at what's in that Slurpee cup you're trying to hide. 

5. What did you enjoy most about writing this? 

I really enjoyed the art aspect of it because that is a side passion of mine that I don't get to explore too much. Also, after spending years working on TV shows, I love dialogue. I like my characters to say things I would never have the guts to say. They are also quicker on their feet than I am! (Then again, they probably get more sleep.)

6. Who was your favourite character in Heiress P.I? 

Lucy has the biggest journey in the story so she's the most fun to track. I was a very shy child as well so I identify with wanting to hide - and can't think of anything worse than being a private person thrust into the spotlight. Incidentally, I also had frizzy bangs, so there's that.

7. Do you have any other books planned? 

There is a sequel to Heiress, P.I. and an adult mystery called Unclad about a former PI who becomes a masseuse but gets sucked back into the world she's trying to leave behind. Can you tell I have a thing for private investigation? :)

8. Where can others connect with you? 

The fastest, easiest way is thru Twitter: @amandamahan. I also have a fan page on Facebook for Heiress, P.I. at I do Vine, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ too -- I'm a bit of a social media slut.

Quick fire questions to get to know you a bit more:

1. Favourite book? "Everything is Illuminated" and "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?" are two favorites but that's really an unfair question. ;)

2. Favourite TV show? Right now I love The Americans (spies, of course!) and Game of Thrones (sex! monsters! awesome jewlery!). But I also love "Girls" - Lena Dunham is a genius.

3. Coffee or Tea? I don't leave the house or talk to people until I've had coffee. It would just be rude.

4. Holiday Abroad or Staycation? Abroad! Way abroad!

5. Indoors or outdoors? I love the outdoors, but from a distance. I think "glamping" (glamourous camping) was probably invented for me. 

Thank you for having me!

A big thank you Amanda for stopping by my blog :).

Heiress P.I is available from Amazon UK

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today! Love being a part of the tour. :)
