Thursday 6 September 2018

Book Review: City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

I've only ever read Victoria Schwab's young adults books and loved, so I was really keen to read her middle grade novel City of Ghosts and I'm glad to say that it didn't disappoint! 


City of Ghosts was even better than I was expecting. It's spooky, fast paced with a fantastic setting and a great set of characters. 

Cass's parents are known as The Inspecteurs- they are essentially ghost hunters. What they don't know though is that Cass can actually see ghosts and even has a ghost friend called Jacob. When The Inspecteurs get their own TV show to go experience the supernatural, their first stop is Edinburgh and there Cass finds a whole host of ghosts and not all of them friendly...

Victoria's take on the world of ghosts managed to feel like a completely fresh take on it. It was vivid and vibrant and the story once again highlighted what a fantastic storyteller she is. She's still managed to keep that dark tone from her other YA books but adapted it to middle grade so it isn't too full on for younger readers. Ooh and the Harry Potter references were hugely appreciated in this, so more please!

I thought Edinburgh was a great setting to start the series off, a proper spooky city with hundred year old legends that instantly give the reader a real sense of the paranormal. I'm really looking forward to where The Inspecteurs go in the next book!

City of Ghosts is out now

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