Wednesday 6 September 2017

Blog Tour: The Little Book of Lykke by Meik Wiking

Happy Wednesday blog readers! I am so happy to be able to tell you about The Little Book of Lykke today (pronounced Luu-kah). I have my thoughts to share with you and a great tip from the book for improving your day to day happiness. There are different tips each day so make sure you are following along with the tour- details below.  I honestly fell in love with this almost as much as The Little Book of Hygge.


I was absolutely delighted when I heard that Meik Wiking was releasing a new book. I completely fell in love with The Little Book of Hygge when it came out last year, so it was a lovely surprise to see this beautiful little book out.

This was another eye-opening and fascinating book from Meik, who if you didn't already know is the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute. He is committed to understanding happiness and this book was such a captivating read on the things that can impact our happiness but we may not realise it.
I think it's so easy for us to focus on the negatives around us and not realise that there are actually loads of hidden treasures that can improve your happiness- see one of those tips below. I was delighted as a bookworm to read that reading is one of those things.

It's quite hard to put into words how much this book touched a place in my heart. I have only recently started to see light in the world again after suffering from depression. I couldn't get any enjoyment out of life, but thanks to the UK fighting the stigma around mental health, I felt that it was ok to own up to how I was feeling and speak to someone about it and I can't begin to express how much this has helped me and how much my happiness has improved. Meik talks about this in The Little Book of Lykke and it is one of his happiness tips- start talking about mental health! Don't just accept fine as an answer from someone, ask how they are really doing and lets quash this taboo for good around talking about mental health.

Mental health is only one of the many wonderful tips that are given throughout the book. I think I may have been even more inspired after reading this then when I was reading The Little Book of Hygge. The Danes may be the happiest people in the world but that doesn't mean you can't be just as happy where you are.

There are so many things I want to go out and do now and I'm actually quite excited to try them. 

happiness tip

The Little Book of Lykke is out 7th September


  1. Thank you so much Laura. I have been recently diagnosed with ms and have been going through depression. I had become antisocial. Its hard to reach out and talk to people, even family. Meik's first book(little book of hygge) i recieved in a mothers day box. I loved it. Its funny how a book has impacted my life. Cannot wait to get my little book of lykke. Thank you dear.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. It's so easy to become withdrawn and cut yourself off from people. What a lovely gift to receive! It's another wonderful book of his, so definitely do pick up The Little Book of Lykke- such an uplifting read :)
