Tuesday 4 July 2017

Book Review: Tin Man by Sarah Winman

Sarah Winman captured my imagination when I first read her debut When God Was a Rabbit. It has remained a firm favourite of mine all this time and each time she brings a new book out, I just know I have to get my hands on it. Her latest is Tin Man and I am delighted to share my review with you.


Where do I even begin to describe Tin Man by Sarah Winman? There is always something so achingly beautiful about Sarah's books; she really gets to the core of her characters and Ellis was someone I could not let go of, even now.

It becomes clear very early on that Ellis has had his heart broken, he is like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz; his heart is missing and not forgetting the fact that he works in a car factory. At first it is unclear what has happened, but something has led him to lead a solitary life but soon we see it is a life speckled with memories. He is a character that you will want to reach out to and mend as best as you can.

What strikes me every time is Sarah's unique writing style, there are no speech marks and many things are lower case where you wouldn't think they should be. There is a gentleness and delicacy to her words that make you want to savour them. Her words may be gentle but they are impactful, making Tin Man an emotional and heartfelt read. Not an awful lot happens, but it is the message it brings with it.

I think the most important thing about this story is love is love. Whether you are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual that doesn't make a love story any less heartfelt.

When God was a Rabbit continues to remain my firm favourite of Sarah's, the Tin Man was still a heartfelt story of love and friendship and the hardships along the way.


  1. I enjoyed When God Was a Rabbit when I read it but it was part of a then book club I was a part of and fellow members dissecting it made me like it less... I had no issue with this book tough and very much agree with your review (great blog photo too!).

    1. I can find that when I really look closely at a novel, which can be a shame. Thank you so much! x
