Wednesday 31 August 2016

Book Review: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Jay Kristoff is an author I have definitely heard of before, particularly from his Illuminae series- which I have, but have not yet read, but one that I have not got around to reading and was I in for a literary treat!

Literally where do I even begin to explain how much this book blew me away. Nevernight just managed to be so different from what is already out there. What I mean by this is that there are books in some genres that can get a little bit samey and predictable. This was definitely not the case with Nevernight; I love a book that manages to throw you off course and leave you constantly wanting more.

There are just some books that capture your imagination and Nevernight became a book that I just could not wait to get back to. This is always a sign of a good book for me and there was nothing that didn't keep me entertained the whole way through. 

Jay Kristoff has quite literally created an entirely new world that I probably would not last two seconds in, but had me completely fascinated. Jay just has this way with words so that you feel part of the story. I have seen a few scathing reviews about the descriptions that Jay uses but I really liked them, they were different and I like different as same is boring! 

The story is centered around revenge and I loved the dark feeling around the story. It always felt like you were waiting for the next sinister thing to happen and believe me, there were plenty of those! I am so excited for the sequel as I literally have no idea where Jay will take us next!

A book to get your heart pounding and palms sweaty with everything at stake for our heroine Mia.

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