Monday 1 August 2016

Blog Tour: No Turning Back by Tracy Buchanan

No Turning Back is Tracy Buchanan's third book following on from her debut The Atlas of Us and her second book My Sister's Secret. I am thrilled to be part of the blog tour today sharing my review of this gripping book. 

I was trying to decide what book to read next after reading a book that I found a little hard going. I picked up 4 different books, none of which were really grabbing me until I read the first page of No Turning Back and my next read was instantly decided.

Anna Graves is a radio presenter, who during an attack to protect her child, ends up killing her attacker, a fourteen year old schoolboy. Initially the police believe it was an accident, but when the autopsy results arrive, people start to believe it's something more sinister.

I want reads that grip me instantaneously and Tracy clearly has a knack for doing this. The prologue had me hankering for more and that was in less than two pages. There is so much to keep you reading on. My mind never once wandered and when I wasn't able to read it, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I was reading this around the same time as a friend who finished it before me and she literally had me desperate to get to the end. I absolutely needed to know what would happen.

There were some things for me that were perhaps a little bit far fetched, but that didn't stop me from racing through this read.

I must have gone through every possible scenario in my head, but I just did not see that ending coming. Talk about throwing in a complete curveball. I definitely think it will come as a great surprise and shock to readers. Tracy clearly is very clever at pulling the wool over your eyes, and if you do guess it, then that is incredibly eagle-eyed of you.

A book that will hook you right from the beginning and refuse to let you go until the very end.

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