Author: Katerina Diamond
Published: 10th March 2016
Publisher: Avon
Happy Saturday everyone, I really hope you are enjoying your weekend and reading a fab book. I am interupting your reading for my stop on The Teacher Blog Tour. If you have been following along, you will have seen that Katerina has been releasing a little part of her exclusive short story Stalkers every day. I am delighted to be able to share the final part with you. I hope you like it. If you have missed any parts of the story, the other blog stops are listed below where you can check back.

Adrian was cold and his neck hurt. He looked over to the open window; his vision was misty but he could feel a breeze on his face. Everything was thumping. He looked down as his eyes stopped swirling and saw that he was almost fully undressed. He couldn’t remember going to bed. He went to rub the sleep from his eyes and his arm stopped with a jerk. He tried to move the other one and the same thing happened. He realised he was restrained. Brilliant.
“You’re awake!” He heard Lucy say.
“You’re in so much trouble.” Adrian said. His throat was so dry. He remembered pouring himself a coffee when he got in from work. Grey wouldn’t leave until she had helped him check that his place was empty and when it was, she left. It was soon after the coffee that everything went black. “You drugged me?”
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t listen to me otherwise.”
“You’ve got to let me go.”
“We’re meant to be together, Adrian. Can’t you see that?”
Adrian couldn’t remember the protocol for this situation. Was he supposed to play along? Should he keep her at arms-length? That’s when he noticed the unmistakeable smell of diesel. He saw the lighter in her hand.
“Can I have a drink?” He put his weight on his elbows and shifted himself into an upright position. At least he still had his pants on.
The phone rang, she turned it over and looked at it before tossing it on the floor. She picked up a knife and started waving it at him, jabbing it furiously towards his face.
“Grey? Is that your girlfriend? She doesn’t deserve you! You’re supposed to be with me! ” She started to sob, and Adrian knew that he couldn’t let her get any angrier.
“I broke up with her. I told her I was in love with someone else. I told her about us.”
“You did?”
Lucy’s angry face softened into suspicion before finally settling on a look of adoration, she lowered her hand and rushed over to him. She cut the ties and Adrian immediately wanted to push her as hard as he could and run but she still had that knife. She stroked his bare stomach. He felt the dull edge of the cold steel as it brushed a little closer to his special place than he would have liked.
Lucy was still staring at him as he heard the familiar sound of a black mini turn the corner into his road. “Lucy, what have you done? What’s that smell?”
“I thought you were going to leave me.” She said. She lifted Miles’ zippo and flipped it open, igniting the flame.
The stairs creaked and she snapped her head towards the door as it started to open. She threw the knife and it sunk into the wood. The door swung wide open at that point.
“Grey, don’t move she’s going to set the place on fire.” Adrian called out. Grey kept walking forwards, she was holding a tazer, pointed straight at Lucy.
“No she’s not.” Grey kept wallkng forwards. “Get off the bed, Miles, and come to me.”
“I’ll do it!” Lucy screamed as Adrian edged off the bed.
“More police are coming.” Grey nodded as she spoke.
“You bitch. You couldn’t leave us alone could you? This is all your fault!”
Adrian shielded his face as Lucy dropped the lighter onto the rug, waiting for the burst of flames that never came. Instead he heard a gurgling and looked just in time to see Lucy vibrating on the floor.
“What happened?” he said as he watched the zippo flame flicker out.
“Did you even go to school, Miley? Diesel doesn’t ignite.” She pulled out her handcuffs and slapped them on Lucy who was groaning. “Let’s hand her off to the Uni’s and go get a fry up. I’m starving.”
“My treat.” He pulled his trousers on as Grey walked towards the door.
“Damn right it is!” She called out as the sirens approached.

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