Title: The Silent Girls
Author: Ann Troup
Published: 18th February 2016
Publisher: Carina
Happy Friyay eve everyone. Today I bring you my stop on the tour for The Silent Girls by Ann Troup for which I am sharing my review.
The Silent Girls opens with a heart racing and very gripping prologue that immediately had me hooked. I love prologues like this as you are straight away thrown into a story, leaving you eager to find out more.
Edie is forced to go back to a place that she hasn't visited for years, a place with a dark past and 5 violent murders many years ago. As Edie returns, the truth slowly starts to come out.
With the gripping prologue that this story starts you off on, the synopsis also had me very keen to find out what would happen. This book is surrounded by mystery and intrigue and you aren't quite sure just what is going to happen.
Although I was hooked from the beginning and the first 30% or so had me keenly reading on, I did find that the pace of the story did start to slow down. For me, I found there was sometimes superfluous information that slightly detracted from the story. That said, Ann's writing and descriptions very easily throw you into the heart of the story and she does create a brilliantly creepy and mysterious atmosphere at times. Also the pace of the story did pick up again and suddenly it was all go and the mystery surrounding everything started to come together, along with a lot of shocking revelations.
I really liked the variety of characters in this story and did have a particular soft spot for one of them who we meet a little way into the story. I also felt so frustrated for Edie, she has to go through so much and I really felt for her. The only thing that I found was sometimes the character dialogue and speech didn't quite seem to match up with their personalities. Sometimes it seemed too rough or soft for their character. This may have been just me, but it was something that I picked up on.
I am in two minds about the ending, although as a reader we get a full conclusion, the characters don't, so unsure whether would have liked to have seen it wrapped up for them or not. Still I was a satisfied reader and the revelations that come about were shocking and also very surprising.
Ann Troup tells tales and can always make something out of nothing (which means she writes books and can create unique things from stuff other people might not glance twice at). She was once awarded 11 out of 10 for a piece of poetry at school – she now holds that teacher entirely responsible for her inclination to write.

Her writing space is known as ‘the empty nest’, having formerly been her daughters bedroom. She shares this space with ten tons of junk and an elderly Westie, named Rooney, who is her constant companion whether she likes it or not. He likes to contribute to the creative process by going to sleep on top of her paperwork and running away with crucial post-it notes, which have inadvertently become stuck to his fur. She is thinking of renaming him Gremlin.
She lives by the sea in Devon with her husband and said dog. Two children have been known to remember the place that they call home, but mainly when they are in need of a decent roast dinner, it’s Christmas or when only Mum will do. She also has extremely decent stepchildren.
In a former incarnation she was psychiatric nurse, an experience which frequently informs her writing. She has also owned a cafe and an art/craft gallery. Now she only makes bacon sandwiches as a sideline, but does continue to dabble with clay, paint, paper, textiles, glue…you name it. Occasionally she may decide to give away some of these creations (you have been warned!).
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