Author: Trisha Ashely
Published: 22nd October 2015
Publisher: Avon
Trisha Ashley writes romantic comedies, and her latest novel, Creature Comforts, is her seventh consecutive Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller. Her novels have twice been shortlisted for the Melissa Nathan award for Romantic Comedy and Every Woman for Herself was nominated by readers as one of the top three romantic novels of the last fifty years.
She is from St Helens in West Lancashire, and believes that her typically dark Lancashire sense of humour in adversity, crossed with a good dose of Celtic creativity from her Welsh grandmother, have made her what she is today...whatever that is. Five of her novels are set in rural West Lancashire and three in Wales. They frequently explore aspects of the three F's that are a constant in her own life: Food, Flowers and Friendship and include delicious recipes at the back.
Nowadays she lives in North Wales, together with the neurotic Border Collie foisted onto her by her son, and a very chancy Muse.
She is the founder member of NW Novelistas Ink, a group of twelve novelists, several of whom are bestselling, who meet regularly in North Wales; she is also a long term member of the Society of Authors and a member of Literature Wales.
Trisha has a website at where you can find out more about her, sign up for her newsletter, or see a complete list of her books. You will also find her on twitter as @trishaashley.

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