Sunday, 15 June 2014

Showcase Sunday #30

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vickie at Books Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen (Review)
Linked by Imogen Howson (Review)
Unravel by Imogen Howson (Review)
Love Like the Movies by Victoria Van Tiem (Review)
Autobiography of Us by Aria Beth Sloss (Review)
Strange Girls and Ordinary Women by Morgan McCarthy (Review)
What Would Mary Berry Do? by Claire Sandy (Review)
Shot Through the Heart by Matt Cain (Won)
Follow a Star by Christine Stovell (Review)
Boy 21 by Matthew Quick (Review)
A Sixpenny Song by Jennifer Johnston (Review)
You Had Me At Merlot by Lisa Dickenson (Review)

I had an incredible amount of book post this week! I don't even know where to begin! I think I need to disappear for a while so I can catch up on all the reading I have. 
Let me know if you had received any of the above.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Laura xxx


  1. Your book haul is amazing! So many of these books sound great. I especially like the sound of The Queen of The Tearling. I hopy you enjoy all your books!

    My Showcase Sunday @ So Bookalicious

  2. Wow, what an amazing haul!!! I have the first three books on my wish list!! Strange Girls and Ordinary Woman looks good. As does You had me at Merlot. Enjoy!!!

  3. Impressive quantity - and a very colourful, cheerful display!

  4. Such great books and a lot of them too! Very nice, have fun reading them! I really should catch up on my reading as well, so much to do and then not enough time left to read...

  5. I saw Queen of the Tearling and ignored the rest!!! I prefer the other cover though but still... color me green haha. Awesome haul!!!

    You had me at Merlot sounds like something I would definitely pick up just because of the book title.

    My week's haul

  6. That is an incredible haul! Swap you? Haha. I totally want to read everything you got.
    Happy reading!
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  7. Wow, that's an enormous haul! I keep seeing 'What Would Mary Berry Do?' on people's blogs - I look forward to hearing what you think! And fingers crossed Boy21 is just as good as we expect. :)

    Happy reading!

  8. Thats is a super amount of stash. I received The Sixpenny Song for review too. I do fancy the Mary Berry One and the Yearling too. Enjoy them all and your week
    Gill x

  9. That is a very impressive book haul indeed - I think you do need to lock yourself up somewhere to go through all of those! What Would Mary Berry Do? sounds like such a crazy title, but at the same time irresistable, like cake...
