Saturday 21 September 2013

Showcase Sunday #6

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vickie at Books Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.

Hello again, another week has gone by extremely quickly and it's been another really busy one! Was so lovely to wake up yesterday morning realising that I didn't have to get up at 6am! I have a smaller haul this week, but this is a good thing as my TBR is getting bigger by the second!

Just three books this week:

The Nearest Thing to Crazy by Elizabeth Forbes
The Cult of Nostalgia by Bruce Bruschi

So CEP publishing got in contact with me asking if I would be interested in reviewing their titles and the first two caught my eye. I've seen some great reviews of The Closest Thing to Crazy so was interested to read it myself. The third book sparked my idea to do a Halloween feature, so expect to see my review of that towards the end of October.

Right back to my reading now guys. But please let me know what awesome books you have received this week. I know some bloggers have received some beautiful book post lately!


  1. I know the feeling of your TBR just getting bigger and bigger - hope you are able to read lots this week :)

    I really love the sound of The Nearest Thing to Crazy and I hope you enjoy it :)

    Megan xxx

    My Showcase Sunday if you'd like a look :)

    1. Thanks Megan, the TBR issue is definitely a never ending dilemma for a bookworm. Hope you have a goos sunday :) xxx

  2. Never heard of any of these titles but they do look interesting! I'm definitely adding The Cult of Nostalgia and The Nearest Thing to Crazy to my wishlist :) Enjoy all your books! Hope you make some headway with your TBR pile ;P

    Here's my SS :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

  3. Thanks Laura, I'm hoping I do too!
