I was so lucky to have the lovely Lori Nelson Spielman stop by my blog to tell us about her amazing debut The Life List.
The Questions:
1. Always an obvious first question to ask, but where did the awesome story idea come from?

The seed for this novel was found in a little cedar box. One day several years ago, I opened an old keepsake box, and tucked alongside my grandmother’s rosary and my first bankbook was a yellowed piece of notebook paper—Lori’s List.
I neglected to write the year on the list, but judging from the goals, I was somewhere between 12 and 14 years old. Included on the list were 27 things I thought would make for a good life. Some were thoughtful, like Help people, while others, like Have lots of clothes, were indulgent and downright embarrassing!
As I pondered the list, it occurred to me that I hadn’t accomplished all of my adolescent dreams. In fact, some goals would never be met. What happened to that girl with the big dreams? Were these ambitions still valid, even today?
That’s when a story began to take shape—the story of a young woman, forced to complete her abandoned life list.
2. The character development in this is fantastic. I loved all the characters except the obvious ones! Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Of course, I know who you’re talking about—the two scoundrels! Like Brett, I have a couple of racy pals, like Megan, and I know gorgeous guys like Andrew, who are a full of themselves and extremely driven. But no, the characters in the book are all fictitious. Because I work as a homebound teacher in an inner city school district, and have done volunteer work at a homeless shelter, those home and shelter scenes felt very authentic to me. Peter and Sanquita are a combination of many students I’ve taught over the years. I’ve had prickly students, like Peter, young girls who had just given birth, and heartbreaking students like Sanquita, who were terminally ill and knew it.
3. I loved the relationship between Brett and her Mum. Was it difficult to write about Brett's Mum passing away?
I appreciate you saying that, Laura. Elizabeth Bohlinger was my favorite character. I’ve always had a close relationship with my own mother, and still do.
Though my mum is very much alive, thank goodness, she’s nearing 80 now. The scenes of Brett’s grief were very moving to me, feeling a bit like a rehearsal of what is likely to come one day. I wrote many of Elizabeth’s letters with tears streaming down my cheeks.
4. I really liked the Life List idea in this. I'm sure you have been asked this before, but do you have a life list now and if yes can you tell us what is on it?
I do have a life list. Among other things, I still haven’t visited The Grand Canyon. I want to spend at least six months living in a
foreign city. I’d love to improve my cooking skills and, at the very top of my list, I hope to write another book!
5. I took a big life lesson out of this amazing book. What is the main message that you want readers to take away with them?
Thank you, Laura. At a recent book event, someone in the audience suggested that the book should be called Life Lessons, rather than The Life List. I thought that was a nice compliment.
I’ve received many emails from readers telling me that the book inspired them to take a look at their own lives, and they’ve set out to recapture the goals they let slip away. I love the idea that this book might trigger someone to rethink the trajectory of their life, bolstering them to go after their true desires and not to settle for less than what they deserve. So often we allow life to take control of us, just as Brett did, and it’s incredibly gratifying to think that the book might have motivated someone to regain control of their life and learn to dream again. The take-away message is that it’s never too late for a do-over, which I firmly believe.
6. What are you reading at the moment?
I’m reading a novel called, A Jane Austen Daydream and it’s lovely. Scott Southard, who lives in the same city as I do, is the author. I’m really enjoying it.
7. I still can't get over the fact that this book is a debut novel! You write like you have been writing books for years! Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
That’s nice of you. When I was an aspiring writer, I was ravenous for any advice I could get from published authors. So I dedicated a page on my website for doing just that: offering advice to aspiring authors. In summary, my advice is to read and write, to keep trying until you’ve exhausted all your resources, and to gauge as best you can when it’s time to move on to your next project.
I love the quote by William Feather, "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." It’s true, we writers must persevere, which can mean subjecting ourselves to hundreds of rejection letters. But we also need to know when it’s finally time to put aside a stalled project and start on a new one. There’s no doubt that writing, like any other pursuit, improves with practice. It just might be your next novel that sells.
8. Are you working on anything at the moment? I will definitely be reading it if you do!
Oh, thank you! I really appreciate that! I have been so busy promoting The Life List, that I’ve neglected my current project. But yes, I have started my next novel and I can’t wait to get back to it. It’s a story about forgiveness—and a young woman’s quest to seek it as well as grant it.
There, that’s my teaser! I hope you remember me, Laura, when it comes out! Thank you so much for having me on your terrific blog and best wishes to you.
A massive thank you to Lori for taking the time to stop by. And what fantastic answers! I will definitely remember you Lori when your next novel is out!
You can read my review of The Life List here:
The Life List Review
Now because I loved this book so much, I have two paperback copies to give away! Just fill in the form below and also comment below on what is on your life list.
UK Only.
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I loved the sound of the Life List ever since I heard about it a few weeks ago and I love the chance to win a copy of the novel, so thanks for this great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that the idea of a life list sounds so great, like a more substantial version of a bucket list I think. It's quite a hard question to answer what would be included on mine though... I suppose I should say, what isn't on my life list? I'd love to find a job that is creatively challenging and feels rewarding. I also really would love to find the right person to share my life with and have a home of my own to decorate and put my personal touch to.
Thanks Zarina :)
DeleteI think those things are on/should be on my Life List too! I prefer Life List to Bucket list as Life List sounds more positive. It's what you want to do in life rather than what you want to do before you die.
I love the things on your life list, and I really hope you get them, although I'm sure you will :)
Thanks :) I see them as two separate things (even though they kind of mean the same): My bucket list mostly includes fun things I want to do in my life (places I want to travel to, things I want to experience) whereas my Life List includes those things most important that would make my life worth while, if that makes sense?
DeleteThat is exactly how I would describe it :) definitely makes sense :)
DeleteI love your list, Zarnia--it is very much like my original list. And I completely agree w/you and Laura on the life list vs bucket list concept. Like you two, I see the life list as a blueprint of how you want to craft your life, looking forward. I imagine a bucket list as those instantaneous things you can check off before you check out--like visiting places. I hope you find your rewarding job, awesome guy, and a home to decorate.
DeleteThanks for your lovely comment, Lori! I hope you're doing well in ticking things off the things from your life and bucket lists too :)
DeleteOn my life list is writing a book that will mean something to people. Books had a huge impact on me when I was younger (and still now) and one thing I would really love to do is write a book that people will remember, that will touch people and really mean something to them!
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing thing to have on your life list! I'm sure you are on your way to achieving this! ;)
DeleteThat's such a beautiful goal, Jaimie! It's wonderful that your desire to write comes from such an honest, pure place. You want to give back, to impact people, rather than gain fame or fortune. This is the best reason to write, and I'm betting you'll accomplish this goal. Best of luck! I can't wait to read it someday!
DeleteHave lots of adventures, travel to as many places as I can, build a career in something I really enjoy doing, meet lots of people and have a wide variety of friends, a nice house would be good too. In general just do something worth wild with my life.
ReplyDeleteWhat lovely things to have on your life list :) I think that's the main different between a Life List and a bucket list- doing something worthwhile rather than doing something just so you can say you've done it :)
DeleteLovely. I hope you accomplish each and every one of these goals, Natasha. And Laura, you and I are definitely on the same page with the life list idea. I also believe a life list is broader, more encompassing and worthwhile than a bucket list. Cheers to everyone who puts their dreams on paper. Never underestimate the power of intention. xo
DeleteHi Laura,
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds so inspiring. Sometimes life takes over and we forget our dreams. I was so disappointed when I found out that this book is not available in shops. I hope I can get a copy to read during my holiday.
Wishing you all the best with your lovely blog.
Hi Sandy,
DeleteThank you so much for your comment :) It is such a shame when they don't put these wonderful books in shops as it makes it very hard to find them!
Hope you have entered and fingers crossed if you have.
Thank you so much :) xx
Oh no! It's not in shops? I didn't know this. Thank you, Sandy, for your interest in The Life List. I sure hope you find a copy! And by the way, your take-away message is exactly right--sometimes life takes over and we forget our dreams. Good luck finding yours!
DeleteThis sounds a brilliant book
ReplyDeleteSo nice of you to say, Theresa! Thank you!
Deleteforgot to mention on my life list is to buy a house and vist florida with my two daughters and to learn to drive and get a car
ReplyDeletehi Theresa. It really is such a lovely book! I really hope u manage to go to Florida with ur daughters. Sounds like an adventure! Would love to go myself.
DeleteWhat a great concept! At the moment my life list is very unexciting - getting from week to week is an accomplishment!
ReplyDeleteIt is such a good idea! Lol I know what you mean. I don't know whether I'm coming or going half the time!
DeleteThank you, Anne. And I agree, sometimes getting from week to week is as much as we can hope for! Good luck to you!
DeleteI think the first thing on my Life List would be to have my own home which reflects me and my boyfriend's life together!
ReplyDeleteThat's lovely Beckie! I'm sure you that you will achieve this :) x
DeleteGreat goal, Beckie. Here's hoping you find that perfect place!