Monday 6 January 2020

My 2020 Reading Goals

Have you set yourself some reading goals for 2020? I didn't set myself any last year, so my 2018 goals can be found here. To be honest 2019 was a bit of an odd year for me and I kinda lost motivation and drive for a lot of things. Despite starting the year off with a rubbish chest infection I feel like I may have found my drive again, so I have set myself some reading goals.

2020 reading goals

1. Read the a classic book a month 

As you can see in the photo at the top of this post I recently bought and was gifted some of the stunning Wordsworth Collector's Editions. 

2. Read 50 books

Not setting myself a huge target as I want it to be manageable, but I am hoping I can read 50 books this year.

3. Set aside specific time for reading 

I used to priotise reading above everything else when I first started blogging and then I completely flipped it on it's head and reading definitely came last last year. I have been blogging for 7 years this year and a LOT has changed. Obviously life changes can affect reading patterns etc, but I really want to make a concious effort to have some specific time to read.

4. Read what I want to read, not what I feel I should read

Despite not reading very much last year, I think what didn't help was that I ended up reading books that I didn't end up enjoying a hell of a lot. This felt like wasted reading time and there were so many other books I could have read. I am going to set tentative TBR piles for each month to ensure I have really thought about what books I definitely want to read.

5. Make sure I'm reading for enjoyment

So after all the above said, I want to make sure that reading never feels like a chore. I'm not going to put loads of pressure on myself to read loads and not go back to pritorising it over enjoying other things in life too.

Do you have any reading goals? Let me know in the comments below.

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