Tuesday 22 October 2019

Blog Tour: Rewrite the Stars by Emma Heatherington

Today I am delighted to be on the blog tour for the gorgeous book Rewrite the Stars. Just look at that cover- how Christmassy! As part of the tour I have my review to share with you, this is definitely one for the Christmas to-be-read pile.


It’s been quite a while since I read some women’s fiction but seeing Rewrite the Stars, there was just something about the synopsis that made me want to read it.

This isn’t your typical boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after, which tbh I just don’t have the time or patience to read anymore. Rewrite the stars feels more real. It isn’t all plain sailing which is exactly what life is like. It is still of course a romance story at heart, but it doesn’t go as predicted and this is as partly why I liked it so much.

I can usually tell if I’m going to find a story engaging or not within the first few pages, and I think by page 3 I was already more than invested in our main character Charlie and very keen to see where her story would take us. Initially I did think this was going to be a predictable read, but I was very quickly and thankfully proven wrong. 

Having a friend that lives in Dublin, I was hugely appreciative of all the references such as Howth, Dun Laoghaire which I quickly realised is pronounced Dun Leary, the Irish sea and the train along the coast. It took me right back there and was an surprising added extra to my enjoyment of the story.  

I also liked the unexpected thought provoking element on how our lives are made up of so many little moments and coincidences that shape our lives.

A much needed, uplifting but realistic read to warm the cockles of your heart this Christmas.

Part of the Rewrite the Stars Blog Tour

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