Tuesday 9 May 2017

Book Review: Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

Into the Water Paula Hawkins

Like a lot of readers who read and love Paula's debut, I was very excited to get my mitts on and start reading Into the Water. There is always that small worry that after a huge bestselling debut, that the second book won't be anywhere near as good, but let me stop you there. You cannot compare this to The Girl On the Train as it is SO different. Yes it's still a thriller with multiple characters etc, but the overall story could not be further from what we knew from The Girl on the Train.


Two recent deaths in the river known as The Drowning Pool were initially treated as suicides, are now being treated more and more with suspicion. Who is hiding what and who isn't telling the truth? Don't expect any of the characters to give up their secrets that easily as this is a complex story of lies and deception. The further you read, the more the story enfolds you in its grasp and soon it's all you can think about.

I know quite a lot of people don't like multiple character viewpoints as it can be confusing and hard to keep track of the story, and with eleven different characters in Into the Water, yes there is a lot to keep track of. However I think Paula waved her writer's magic wand and made this so good! Not only are there multiple viewpoints, they are from characters you would not expect to get an insight into, heightening the mystery and suspense of the story. 

What surprised me the most about this was the theme of witchcraft running throughout. I obviously only had a synopsis to go on for this, but witchcraft certainly didn't feature in my mind as something that I was expecting to see! It was a huge stand out differentiation from The Girl on the Train and also quite daring.

This is a story with complex web of lies, deception and huge twists. Paula Hawkins knows how to write an addictive thriller. Now the question is, what's next?

Into the Water is out now


  1. Great review, so glad you loved this :) As a HUGE fan of The Girl on the Train, I am beyond excited to read Into the Water. It looks AMAZING <3

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
