Thursday 19 May 2016

Laura's little book blog 3 year blogoversary

Hello wonderful bookish people, I can't quite believe I am writing this post celebrating my blog's third year in existence! Although my blog is only small, it has opened up so many opportunities for me, the biggest one being that in September of last year, I finally got a job in publishing. I had never really known what industry I wanted to work in after leaving uni and it actually took me getting my first job and reading on the daily commute to realise where my passion lay. It caused my blog to start and then after 2 and a bit years of applying for publishing jobs, I finally got my industry dream job. 

The other major thing that has come from my blog is the friends I have made. I was your typical outcast at school and had very few friends, I didn't even know that many people who loved to read as much as I did and then I started my blog and wham, suddenly there were all these masses of people who loved to read as much as me and it was utterly wonderful. I would just like to thank you all for supporting me so much through the blog and life's ups and downs, you have all been incredible.

Now in true book blogger style, I of course have lots of giveaways to celebrate and to say thank you for supporting me and my blog. They will also be international. Read on for the first giveaway and good luck!

Giveaway One!

The lovely Becky over at Transworld books has kindly donated an advance copy of The Couple Next Door. This has been dubbed as the next big thriller and I will be reading it myself very soon! Good luck! Check back tomorrow for Giveaway Two!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Blogiversary. I would love to win because I love thrillers and this one has intrigued me from the title.

  2. Congratulations! Happy Blogoversary :-)

  3. Happy blog birthday! I'm always up for reading a new thriller, would love to read this

  4. Happy blog birthday! I have been reading your blog for only a few days, but I'm enjoying it so much. Hope you'll carry on writing such amazing content!

    1. Thank you so much, that's such a lovely thing to say :) xx

  5. It sounds like a really great read- I love thrillers

  6. Happy blogaversary! I would like to win a copy of this book as I have heard lots of rumblings on Twitter about this book and it sounds intruiging! xx

  7. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary!!!! Many more to come........
    Love thrillers

    Raffle name: Artemis Giote

  8. Happy Blogerversary. I love thrillers at the moment. My favourite genre used to be chick lit, but I am seeing so many fab thrillers that I am changing my mind. This one looks great.

  9. Have read so many good thrillers lately, would love to check this one too. xx

  10. sounds like a great read!


  11. happy blogiversary! I'd like to win this book because i love thrillers and this is a new author to me x

  12. This looks like a great read :)

  13. Happy Blogiversary. Sounds like a good book. Thank you for the chance xxx

  14. Helen Craigs01/06/2016, 15:12

    My favourite genre is a physchological thriller so I'd devour this in one sitting!

  15. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY 🎉🎉🎉 I would love to read this, addictive reading. Thanks
