Author: Elle Field

If you look at the other book titles in the Arielle Lockley series, they all have the same sort of feel about them - Kept; Lost; Found - a progression, almost. B-Side, which sits between Lost and Found, is a little bit different, and that's because it is a spin-off book to Lost - basically, it's the other side of the story. (Whilst still being a completely different story!)
I chose this title for two reasons. Firstly, because the B-side of a record was often seen as the weaker song. In comparison to Arielle, Etta often feels this way, especially because Felicity, her godmother, is paying Arielle far more attention than Etta likes.
Secondly, it's a fitting title because Etta's passion is music; just like Arielle wanted to be the next big fashion designer as a child, Etta wanted to be the next big jazz star. B-Side, I think, perfectly sums up both Etta's love for music and being a spin-off book.
As for Etta's love of music, I chose this to be her passion because if I could actually carry a note, I would love to be a West End musical star. Since I can't though, I'm living through Etta's voice and sharing her musical journey.
Etta is more extreme than Arielle but, between you and me, they are not so different. Both have dreams they want to make happen, and struggles they have to face... Arielle's struggles are just a bit more legal than Etta's!
Writing B-Side was a lot of fun; it's definitely gritter than both Kept and Lost, that's for sure. I always think that writing books is an awesome way to explore all those careers that you thought you might want to do, but never did. Saying that though, I've had an idea recently for my next book which involves an estate agent, and I can safely say that I never wanted to be one of those!
I hope everyone enjoys reading B-Side. Are you a fan of spin-off books?

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To celebrate the publication of B-Side, I’m running a giveaway. Prizes are Amazon vouchers, a paperback set of the full Arielle Lockley series (Kept, Lost and B-Side), and a set of vinyl coasters.
B-Side sits between Lost (out now) and Found (out summer 2016) in the Arielle Lockley series - read Etta's version of events in this gritty Lost spin-off. link: link:
Goodreads link:

Thank you for hosting a stop on the B-Side blog tour, Laura. :) xx