Sunday 9 February 2014

Showcase Sunday #17

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vickie at Books Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.

I was up in London last weekend, so missed out on last week's Showcase Sunday, so these books are a mixture of this week and last week.

Physical Books

Just what kind of mother are you? by Paula Day (To be reviewed)
Tiny Acts of Love by Lucy Lawrie (To be reviewed)
How To Be A Good Wife by Emma Chapman (To be reviewed)
The Amber Fury by Natalie Haynes (To be reviewed)
Marlford by Jaqueline Yallop (To be reviewed)


Millie and the American Proposal by Annabel Scott (To be reviewed)

I had quite a few unexpected book posts over the past couple of weeks and I particularly cannot wait to get stuck into Marlford! How to be a good wife and Just what kind of Mother are you sound absolutely fantastic! I was also thrilled when Annabel Scott got in contact with me to review Millie and the American Proposal, as I have read the first two in the series and wasn't expecting a third!! So some fab book post this week.

What have you all bought/received/borrowed this week? Have you read any of the above? Would love to know.

Have a great Sunday.

Laura xxx


  1. Tiny Acts of Love has such a gorgeous cover! And Millie and the American Proposal looks super cute too :) Hope you enjoy all your new reads! What were you in London for by the way?

    My Showcase Sunday:

    1. I love the cover of Tiny Acts of Love too :) and it was a surprise in the post which was wonderful. I was in London seeing friends :)

  2. Lovely haul! IO don't know these but I am looking them up. Especially Just What Kind of Mother Are You. Looks creepy!

    Happy reading!

    My haul

    1. It does doesn't it? I can't wait to get stuck into that one!

  3. Oooh, what an excellent haul you have. Every single one of these books sound awesome - cue my TBR going up by 6 books.

    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. Thank you and yay! My TBR is forever increasing and never depleting lol!

  4. It looks like you got some great new reads this week :) I love the cover of Tiny Acts of Love, I'm a sucker for books like that! Marlford sounds interesting too. Enjoy all your new books!

    1. It's such a pretty cover isn't it :) I know you shouldn't judge a boo by its cover but I do! Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Not heard of any of these. I will have to look them up.

    I hope you enjoy all of them and I look forward to all of your reviews :)

  6. I've heard amazing things about Just What Kind of Mother Are You? (also, this new cover is stunning), hope you enjoy it!
