Wednesday 5 February 2014

Books With Bite Launch

A few weeks ago I got an email from Caitlin from Hachette Childrens Books inviting me to the launch of their new website and showing off some of their brilliant YA books out this year.
I was really excited as this was the first official publishers event I have been invited to, so I jumped at the chance to go! I was also so relieved that I would be able to make it as I was away in Munich Monday-Wednesday so the timing was brilliant.

I was a little nervous when I got there as I didn't know anyone, and everyone seemed to know each other, so felt a bit shy. When we got to the right floor, after going in quite a snazzy lift, I got given a badge with name and blog on which I thought was pretty cool!

When we went in we had the presentation first about the new bookswithbite website and I can honestly say that I really like it. It really stands out and I love the different coloured apples which you can click on and they detail three different categories for the books: Contemporary, Thriller and Sci-fi and Paranormal and Fantasy. The lovely ladies from Hachette also told us about some of the amazing books coming out this year and I am so excited about them! 

After the presentation we went into another room for drinks and nibbles and there was this table absolutely full of books with bags at the side. I was feeling a bit a gooseberry, but then saw the girl that I had come in with originally and started talking to her. I found that her name was Millie and this was her first event too and she had come with her Mum. So I literally chatted to them for the rest of the evening and I was so glad they were there to talk to, and share my crazy book obsessions with :). 

I also got to meet some of the authors, which completely made my day. I met Saci Lloyd, Teri Terry and Catherine Fisher and got them to sign my books. We were given a massive amount to take away with us! I was so excited. The books I got are below:

I love the sound of all of them, but the ones I most looking forward to reading are Tease, The Moment Collector, Shattered and Between the Lives. They really do sound Amazing! 

I suddenly found that it was the end of the evening and that I had to get back home! I has such a great evening it was lovely to meet lots of new people and the lovely people behind the books and those that work at Hachette Children's Books. I was buzzing for ages afterwards and when I got on the tube with my 'Bite Me' bag I did get some funny looks LOL. But totally didn't care as I was proud of my bag with all the awesome books in it!


  1. Oh my god this is amazing! :) I bet this was so much fun! :)

    I am glad you had a good time and enjoy all of your books :)! xxx

    1. I had an amazing time!! I was so sad to go home. Thanks Alex :) xx
