Sunday 1 September 2013

Showcase Sunday #3

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vickie at Books Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.

Hello again everyone! I've had a bit of a strange week this week, can't really put my finger on it exactly, but anyway it was a busy one!

I received some really lovely books this week and it brought a smile to my face :).

Physical Books:

The Mermaid of Brooklyn by Amy Shearn (Review copy)
The Memory Box by Sarah Webb (Review copy)
Yours Truly by Kirsty Greenwood (Review copy)
Lost and Found by Tom Winter (Won)


Popping the Cherry by Aurelia B Rowl (Review copy)

So yes, I received some lovely surprises in the post this week! I must say, I did purchase two this week but they haven't arrived yet. I am so excited to have received a copy of Yours Truly! There has been lots of excitement on Twitter over this, so I will be reading ASAP! I was also so happy to win a copy of Lost and Found by Tom Winter. My Mum actually pointed it out to me in a magazine the other week and it definitely caught my interest, so will be reading that as soon as I can as well.

Over to you all now, you lovely people. What books have you got this week? Also let me know if you have read any of the above. Hope you all have a lovely sunday :).

Laura x
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Haven't heard of these before but they sound fun. Enjoy :-)

  2. What a lovely bunch! I have already read Lost & Found as well as Yours Truly and I thought they're wonderful and I'm currently reading The Memory Box :)

    I haven't heard of The Mermaid of Brooklyn yet so will look into that one now. Hope you enjoy your new books. x

    My Showcase Sunday:

  3. Ooh, that reminds me that I have The Mermaid of Brooklyn waiting to be read too! Looks good doesn't it? :-) Some other great looking books there too, hope you enjoy them, and have a super week!

    1. It really does! I love the cover. Thanks Victoria, hope you have a good week too :)

  4. All of your new books look fabulous...I'd love to read them too! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my Sunday Post:

  5. I have Lost & Found too - it sounds wonderful! And I'm hoping to read The Memory Box next :) Really hope you enjoy your books :)

    Megan xxx

    My Showcase Sunday if you'd like a look :)

  6. I hadn't heard of these, but Popping the Cherry sounds good! :D

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  7. I've heard soo many things about Yours Truly and the cover is so cute! Hope you enjoy all your books this week :)

    Now following on Bloglovin' :)

    My Showcase Sunday :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. I am so excited to read Yours Truly. Just have to diminish my TBR pile a little bit! Following you on blogloving too!

  8. Yours Truly and Lost and Found look like adorable books! I'm definitely adding those to my TBR list! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my STS!
